Last night was seriously one of those times that I will always remember, up until the day I die. I swear, it was just so....well, I don't think there is a word in the English Dictionary to describe last night.
My day started out well - got up at 7:30, chucked on my clothes before getting a lift to school from my dad, and then sprinting into the art room. All the art students were squealing, dancing, being utter prats and laughing - and this was before nine am. Then, of course, my best friend Abi strolled in and we looked like wardrobe twins -we both had a paramore top on, checked un-buttoned shirt over the top, and DM boots. Embarrassing to say the least, but who cares! We finally boarded on our buses (I just happened to be next to someone covered in rabbit hair, so I sneezed most the time!) and we got off to London. We arrived at the British History Museum, and bounced in before grabbing our sketch books and pencils, then we walked to our chosen culture sections and did some sketching (One of mine looks like a deformed kebab.) Also, a load of sirens went off and security guards were running left right and center,blocking off the rooms and 'EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY!'blaring on their radio's. That was....fun. . After like, two hours? (it went so fast, I swear!), we had our lunch in the education room, and then looked round the shop - I ended up buying an Athena Owl necklace, scarab beetle book mark and a mug for my friend to give to her Dad. How I got roped into the last one, I have no idea. After that we headed home, only to get stuck in awful traffic - we were meant to get back at around three. We got back at 4:45.
We all scrambled back to my friend, Abi,'s house and chucked some food down our necks before leaping into the hired van are started the long, long ride to London (For the second time that day). WE WERE ON OUR WAY TO SEE PARAMORE LIVE EEEEEEEEEEEK! We eventually got there, but there were massive hold-ups on the motorway, so we missed the supporting acts. We got into our seats, biting out finger nails and squealing, and then....the lights went off.
The paramore 'symbol', if you will, started to flash on the back of the stage. Rabid fans were screaming everywhere. Abi practically crushed me and we were all clinging onto the edge of our seats. Crying, shouting and 'WE LOVE YOU PARAMORE's were everywhere, the taste of stage-smoke in the air and the lighting up of phones like a sea of fairy lights. Then they started to sing. Never have I been in one place with so much energy - we were screaming, shouting the words at the top of our lungs, making pure and utter noise, jumping along, clapping, raising our fists in the air. Everyone was there for my reason - Paramore. It didn't matter if we were boy, girl, where we were from or how old we were. We all loved Paramore with all our hearts, and it was amazing. At one point, Hayley asked us all to forget our seats, and just dance. What ensued next was like nothing I've ever witnessed - thousands of screaming fans ditching their seats, running down the steps and dancing as hard as they could, for as long as they could, with as many people as they could, and making themselves look as idiotic as they could. I loved it. By the end my throat was raw, like I'd swallowed sand-paper, and my voice was cracking on so many octaves I sounded like a pubescent boy. I was sweating, screaming, slapping my self on the face and just in general living. Whilst Abi and I were screaming our heads off like the morons we were, my friend Esme stood in the middle of us like she has been blessed by god, an awed look on her face and silence. I was worried she was gonna faint! When Paramore finished, we all ran outside, gasping for breath, holding onto each other and screaming 'WE WERE IN THE SAME ROOM AS THEM! OH MY GOD! WE JUST SAW PARAMORE! OH MY BLOODY GOD!!!!', buying tour shirts and running back to the car.
The whole night was incredible. I cannot even explain it. Wembley was huge. Filled with thousands of people all sharing a love for Paramore, people crying and screaming and just....wow.
If you ever get to see a band in concert - any band, any venue - you have to go. It's one of those things that even if you do a billion times, you'd never get tired off. You don't need drugs when you go to concerts - I felt like I was on every happy pill in the world, and dear god I could live off that.
I'm still in shock. Honestly, I cannot believe I was there?!
So that's enough of my mumbling, video's will be up once I download them off my phone so you can see what it was like.
A very shocked and elated SciAwkward, signing off.
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Random fangirling
Okay, I'm good.
Okay, I'm good.
'Roses are red, I have a phone, nobody texts me, forever alone'
Boys. Some girl's find them attractive, dumb and can't wait to get their hands on them, flirting shamelessly at every chance, and then some find them god-like and sit with their all-female group of friends and watch with admiration as their crush walks past.
My reaction to boys? Ew.
Maybe it's something to do with the boys at my school - I cannot even begin to explain how totally, utterly and just....ANGRTHUIUJGFH they are. I'm sure most boys are perfectly alright, but come to my school and then....well.
There are my friends, talking about 'Him' (If she reads this, she will know who I mean - and yes, I am directing this at one friend in particular hehehe), or are going out with a boy, or whatever.
And then there is me - shying away from all male contact and finding them the very repulsive side of our species.
I swear my parent's think I'm a lesbian, and every time they say 'She just isn't interested in boys yet' they cough, and add 'or girls'.
Like excuse me for not interacting with the opposite sex - just because I find the idea of love gag-worthy, it does not, by any standards, mean I'm a lesbian.
I'd like to say that 'I don't bat for any team'. Ooooh, inspirational quote right there Ladies and Gents.
SO YES if any of you question my sexuality, you now know all ;)
SciAwkward signing off.
Ladies and Gentleman, she is ill. Again.
Hey, hey, hey!
So today I have been at home all day. I'm in my uniform (Couldn't be bothered to change out of it...hehe) but I woke up this morning with very shite asthma. Surprise, surprise, it resulted in a trip to the local doctors, where I was pumped full of steroids (I'M NOT A DRUGGY, I SWEAR!), antibiotics and a soooo attractive nebuliser (is that how you spell it? No idea). I ended up pretending to be Darth Vader, whilst the steam/smoke stuff floated upwards from the little - I say little, although it kept falling off my face and I had to hold it on - mask that was attached to my face, and the Porta-neb made strange whirring noises. I'm just praying to God (I'm not religious, but hey, gotta be open, right?) that I'm not sick for the Paramore concert of Friday. I swear, I am going to that even if I have to escape from the hospital in nothing more than one of those apron/dress things and a drip.
On the plus side, I got one of those shmancy Willy Wonka bars (My Nan made the mistake of replacing the 'o' with an 'a'.Never shall I forget that.) which, to be honest, isn't as good as one of those Marvelous Creations bars you get - darn, now I'm hungry.
ALSO my people, I have a FIVE day weekend now - Friday art trip, Saturday, Sunday, Monday inset day and Tuesday is the teacher strike. Eeeeep!
Well, I have nothing much more to say. Tomorrow I shall probably steal Charlotte's (The_slimer) idea of a list of things to do before the year ends, MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.
SciAwkward, signing off.
P.S Thanks to everyone who bothers to read my blog - you have no idea how happy in makes me to see people read what I write. I hope you are all having a great day ;)
So today I have been at home all day. I'm in my uniform (Couldn't be bothered to change out of it...hehe) but I woke up this morning with very shite asthma. Surprise, surprise, it resulted in a trip to the local doctors, where I was pumped full of steroids (I'M NOT A DRUGGY, I SWEAR!), antibiotics and a soooo attractive nebuliser (is that how you spell it? No idea). I ended up pretending to be Darth Vader, whilst the steam/smoke stuff floated upwards from the little - I say little, although it kept falling off my face and I had to hold it on - mask that was attached to my face, and the Porta-neb made strange whirring noises. I'm just praying to God (I'm not religious, but hey, gotta be open, right?) that I'm not sick for the Paramore concert of Friday. I swear, I am going to that even if I have to escape from the hospital in nothing more than one of those apron/dress things and a drip.
On the plus side, I got one of those shmancy Willy Wonka bars (My Nan made the mistake of replacing the 'o' with an 'a'.Never shall I forget that.) which, to be honest, isn't as good as one of those Marvelous Creations bars you get - darn, now I'm hungry.
ALSO my people, I have a FIVE day weekend now - Friday art trip, Saturday, Sunday, Monday inset day and Tuesday is the teacher strike. Eeeeep!
Well, I have nothing much more to say. Tomorrow I shall probably steal Charlotte's (The_slimer) idea of a list of things to do before the year ends, MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.
SciAwkward, signing off.
P.S Thanks to everyone who bothers to read my blog - you have no idea how happy in makes me to see people read what I write. I hope you are all having a great day ;)
Monday, 23 September 2013
....Six hundred? SIX?!
Okay sorry third post tonight as you do but guuuuise
Okay I'm done.
Okay I'm done.
Damn, did someone say school? Ew.
Okay, how would you describe your school? Fun? Horrible? Makes-me-want-to-go-drown-myself? I don't have any way to describe my school, except using our motto.
Motto (noun):
A short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution.
That's what a motto is, then - it shows a place or person's belief, right?
Our school motto is Suffer and Serve.
I'm not kidding.
So that is how I'd show my school. Apart from that, it's your average school. We have the stricter-then-slave-owners teachers, the think-they're-funny-but-they-really-need-to-stop teachers and the no-control-over-the-class teachers. We have the 'I-think-I'm-so-cool-but-actually-I'm-rather-ugly-and-like-to-backstab-and-put-my-hair-in-ridiculous-quiffs girls, the Oh-look-how-short-my-skirt-is-oops-I-just-broke-up-with-my-third-boyfriend-this-week girls and the oh-shit-shit-shit-that-person-is-looking-at-me-please-make-them-stop-please-don't-talk-to-me-I-can't-handle-socialness-do-I-have-something-on-my-face-oh-my-tardis-don't-come-any-closer-or-I'll-die girls (AKA me), and of course the classic social groups of nerds, popular's, "bad boys", and general outsiders. We also have the worst uniform ever. Like, woah.
So it's like my, what, 3rd week back at school? Or is it my 4th? I can't remember, and already I'm counting down the days until half term.
However, on Friday I'm going to the British History Museum *EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!* for an art trip, and then (this is where it gets good), I am going to a PARAMORE CONEEEEEERT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNGHU! And then, on Monday, it is a non-pupil day so I may as well have a four day weekend.
Jelly or what? ;)
Oh yeah and I may or may not have got an A on my Drama monologue (the written one, not the performance) so IN CHUE FACES PEOPLE :)
In case you haven't noticed I am rather hyper due to the fact MY LAPTOP DIDN'T EXPLODE!
Anyway, I must be off, I have Torchwood episodes to watch!
SciAwkward signing off!
(P.S Jamie Oliver went to my school. So yeah.)
OH MY ASGARD IT'S BEEN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO GET ON THE WEBSITE WITHOUT MY LAPTOP CRASHING IN, LIKE, FOREVEEEEEEER (more like a month or two, but yeah). EEEEEEEEEEEEK GUYS I'M SO SORRY. I have no clue if anyone will read my blog now, seeing as it became like a static webpage full of stupid ramblings BUT I assure you I hope to go back to my old habit's of trying to post ever day.
Hehehe. *Dances around my room, slips on the latest 'Kerrang!' magazine and ends up sprawled on the floor* I swear, I'm not like totally excited or anything.
Hehehe. *Dances around my room, slips on the latest 'Kerrang!' magazine and ends up sprawled on the floor* I swear, I'm not like totally excited or anything.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Photo Challenge - Day 11
Day 11 - something old
Today wasn't really hard. I had two options to take a picture of - my house, or my Dad. (Mwuhahahaha!) I chose my house because it's older. My house, which was once owned by the council until my mum bought it, is 90 years old and I've lived here all my life, same as my brother, Adam (who is 17 years older than me). It's not a nice house by any standards. The paint is peeling off the walls, there are dead ivy vines all over it, damp in the bedrooms and clutter everywhere. The downstairs decor is horrible - the wall paper looks like somebody puked on old lady curtains, and the wood furniture has seen better days. Still, there's no chance of moving and I guess it's okay. We have two gardens, both really rather big, and a nice green outside where we have bonfires, hog roasts and bbq's with the other residents along our 7-house row. So, without futher ado, I introduce my rickety old house.
Today wasn't really hard. I had two options to take a picture of - my house, or my Dad. (Mwuhahahaha!) I chose my house because it's older. My house, which was once owned by the council until my mum bought it, is 90 years old and I've lived here all my life, same as my brother, Adam (who is 17 years older than me). It's not a nice house by any standards. The paint is peeling off the walls, there are dead ivy vines all over it, damp in the bedrooms and clutter everywhere. The downstairs decor is horrible - the wall paper looks like somebody puked on old lady curtains, and the wood furniture has seen better days. Still, there's no chance of moving and I guess it's okay. We have two gardens, both really rather big, and a nice green outside where we have bonfires, hog roasts and bbq's with the other residents along our 7-house row. So, without futher ado, I introduce my rickety old house.
SciAwkward, singing off.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Photo Challenge - Day 10
Day 10 - Nature
Well, I can honestly say I wasn't sure what to do for this picture. That is, of course, before I went to the zoo yesterday. I took thousands (that isn't even an exaggeration, I went through three memory cards) of photos of the animals at Colchester Zoo because that's the one thing I like taking pictures of - wildlife. So, I was sorting through the photos, classic pose of a teenager with my chin resting on my hand, until I came across probably my favorite photo of the day. See, we ('we' being my family and I, then a family friend with her granddaughter, Ashley, who we see a couple of times each year.) boarded one of the trains that took you for a quick tour around some of the near-by enclosures, giving some background information and facts on the animals. We've been on that train many times, but this time (we haven't been to the zoo for years, so a lot of things changed) we made a stop at the lemur enclosure and got to GO INSIDE. We walked round, taking many shots on our camera's (Mine being my trusty Olympus E11 and standard zoom lens, whilst my Mum hogged the E3 and MASSIVE telephoto lens.) and 'awwwing' and 'ooohing' at the sweet little baby lemurs, all munching away at celery whilst the older ones fussed over them. I hadn't realised I'd snapped this candid shot until later, but one lemur seemed to be having a great old time with his lunch. The bit that made it for me was in the photos of the same lemur afterwards, he had this shocked expression on his face, food falling out his mouth, as if he just noticed he'd been the star of some photos. He then ruffled his fur and stared at the camera whilst eating his food normally.
I hope it's alright!
SciAwkward, signing off.
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
― Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
Well, I can honestly say I wasn't sure what to do for this picture. That is, of course, before I went to the zoo yesterday. I took thousands (that isn't even an exaggeration, I went through three memory cards) of photos of the animals at Colchester Zoo because that's the one thing I like taking pictures of - wildlife. So, I was sorting through the photos, classic pose of a teenager with my chin resting on my hand, until I came across probably my favorite photo of the day. See, we ('we' being my family and I, then a family friend with her granddaughter, Ashley, who we see a couple of times each year.) boarded one of the trains that took you for a quick tour around some of the near-by enclosures, giving some background information and facts on the animals. We've been on that train many times, but this time (we haven't been to the zoo for years, so a lot of things changed) we made a stop at the lemur enclosure and got to GO INSIDE. We walked round, taking many shots on our camera's (Mine being my trusty Olympus E11 and standard zoom lens, whilst my Mum hogged the E3 and MASSIVE telephoto lens.) and 'awwwing' and 'ooohing' at the sweet little baby lemurs, all munching away at celery whilst the older ones fussed over them. I hadn't realised I'd snapped this candid shot until later, but one lemur seemed to be having a great old time with his lunch. The bit that made it for me was in the photos of the same lemur afterwards, he had this shocked expression on his face, food falling out his mouth, as if he just noticed he'd been the star of some photos. He then ruffled his fur and stared at the camera whilst eating his food normally.
![]() |
I haven't managed to sharpen, brighten or re-size this picture of PS elements yet, so it's not at it's best. |
SciAwkward, signing off.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Photo Challenge - Day 9
Day 9 - Inspirational Person
I don't have in inspirational person. See, most teenagers would find someone inspirational if they do something their interested in. Like....say for example I had my heart set on being a world-class tennis player, I might find Andy Murry inspirational. But I don't know what I want to do once I'm older. However, if I had to come up with someone I find inspirational, I'd guess it wouldn't be a 'person', it would be 'people'. A band to be precise. Black Veil Brides. Now I know some of you may of heard of them, some of you may not. If you have, it may be for good reasons or for bad. But they are my favorite band and I love them to bits. Here are some quotes:
"Creating art or something beautiful makes you a more fulfilled person than they can ever be because they're caught up in what they hate rather than what they love."
"Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us and they can try like hell to put out that flame but as long as in our minds we know who we are meant to be, they don't stand a chance."
"I had a goal, I had a dream…and at the end of the day no matter what people say to you as long as YOU know who you are as a person NOTHING in else in the world matters."
"Life isn't about how popular you are... what girl or boy you're dating or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts... and our minds. This is the reason why we sing... this is the reason why we cry... this is the reason why we live."
"Sometimes in life you feel the weight of the world. it can push you down and make you fear it. it can cause stress and pain. but in those moments, remember all that you have done in your life, and what great things you can do in the future. the feeling of burden may not subside, but the fire you carry in your heart will burn stronger than ever when you live through it. Never let anyone or anything steal your flame. i once thought of calling our first record 'Alive and Burning' after a song I wrote. I know now that was a silly notion. we aren't here to "burn"... we are here on this earth to reach for all that we can get... to see the brass ring and strive for it. not via sardonic tendencies but rather through our own personal strength... to see our heros and say to ourselves "i want to be BETTER... I want to be the best i can be." so please, if nothing else, continue to live as you are and reach for all you can take... you are all beautiful people... live it."
Okay, I won't prattle on with masses of BVB quotes. I hope I didn't bore you! Some of you may see why I find them inspirational, some of you may not. Now, I shall leave you with a picture of my all time favorite band. SciAwkward, signing off.
I don't have in inspirational person. See, most teenagers would find someone inspirational if they do something their interested in. Like....say for example I had my heart set on being a world-class tennis player, I might find Andy Murry inspirational. But I don't know what I want to do once I'm older. However, if I had to come up with someone I find inspirational, I'd guess it wouldn't be a 'person', it would be 'people'. A band to be precise. Black Veil Brides. Now I know some of you may of heard of them, some of you may not. If you have, it may be for good reasons or for bad. But they are my favorite band and I love them to bits. Here are some quotes:
"Creating art or something beautiful makes you a more fulfilled person than they can ever be because they're caught up in what they hate rather than what they love."
"Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us and they can try like hell to put out that flame but as long as in our minds we know who we are meant to be, they don't stand a chance."
"I had a goal, I had a dream…and at the end of the day no matter what people say to you as long as YOU know who you are as a person NOTHING in else in the world matters."
"Life isn't about how popular you are... what girl or boy you're dating or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts... and our minds. This is the reason why we sing... this is the reason why we cry... this is the reason why we live."
"Sometimes in life you feel the weight of the world. it can push you down and make you fear it. it can cause stress and pain. but in those moments, remember all that you have done in your life, and what great things you can do in the future. the feeling of burden may not subside, but the fire you carry in your heart will burn stronger than ever when you live through it. Never let anyone or anything steal your flame. i once thought of calling our first record 'Alive and Burning' after a song I wrote. I know now that was a silly notion. we aren't here to "burn"... we are here on this earth to reach for all that we can get... to see the brass ring and strive for it. not via sardonic tendencies but rather through our own personal strength... to see our heros and say to ourselves "i want to be BETTER... I want to be the best i can be." so please, if nothing else, continue to live as you are and reach for all you can take... you are all beautiful people... live it."
Okay, I won't prattle on with masses of BVB quotes. I hope I didn't bore you! Some of you may see why I find them inspirational, some of you may not. Now, I shall leave you with a picture of my all time favorite band. SciAwkward, signing off.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Photo Challenge - day 8
Day 8 - Fave colour.
OKAY IT'S GETTING QUITE LATE AND I GOTTA SHOWER AND GET UP EARLY TOMORROW AND I FORGOT TO BLOG TODAY AND I'M REALLY CONFUZZLED AND I DUNNO WHAT MY FAVE COLOUR IS AND I'M WRITING IN CAPITALS FOR NO REASON AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Ahem, I mean: Good evening, how are we all? I shall now post a picture of my favorite colour which took my some time to come up with (meaning i just randomly picked one):
OKAY IT'S GETTING QUITE LATE AND I GOTTA SHOWER AND GET UP EARLY TOMORROW AND I FORGOT TO BLOG TODAY AND I'M REALLY CONFUZZLED AND I DUNNO WHAT MY FAVE COLOUR IS AND I'M WRITING IN CAPITALS FOR NO REASON AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Ahem, I mean: Good evening, how are we all? I shall now post a picture of my favorite colour which took my some time to come up with (meaning i just randomly picked one):
My jeans are this colour hehe!
Anyway, SciAwkward signing off.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Photo Challenge - Day 6
Day 6 - Books
I have WAAAAAAAAY too many books. Like, really. It would take me a year to gather them all up - I have them scattered around my room, 3 book cases in my room, two cases down stairs and 2 out of 3 of our sheds are stacked with them. So, as I told you it would take forever. Instead I decided to take a picture of just one book case. It's nestled between my desk and my DVD shelves which is right next to my door. As you can see, I have a lot of Terry Pratchett books, Kathy Reichs books and Michael Crichton books, not to mention a few other authors. With out further ado, I introduce book case one:
I have WAAAAAAAAY too many books. Like, really. It would take me a year to gather them all up - I have them scattered around my room, 3 book cases in my room, two cases down stairs and 2 out of 3 of our sheds are stacked with them. So, as I told you it would take forever. Instead I decided to take a picture of just one book case. It's nestled between my desk and my DVD shelves which is right next to my door. As you can see, I have a lot of Terry Pratchett books, Kathy Reichs books and Michael Crichton books, not to mention a few other authors. With out further ado, I introduce book case one:
SciAwkward, signing off.
Photo Challenge - A belated Day 5
For some reason this didn't post yesterday (probably me being a divvy and clicking the wrong button) so I'll post it today, and then day 6's photo later today.
Day 5 - Morning sky
Day 5 - Morning sky
“Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.”*Yaaaaaawn* So, I made it up in time to catch the morning sky. My dad rapped on the door, prompting me to quickly slip on shoes and a dressing gown before stumbling outside, bleary eyed and cursing. He handed me my camera then he himself plodded back to bed, almost appearing to be drunk. Muttering to my self, I stepped out into the cold, morning air and shut the door behind me, fumbling with the keys so I could slip them safely inside my pocket. Now, when I think of photographers taking pictures of the sun rise, I imagine breath taking orange and red skies with peachy clouds and a golden disk, the photographer in question smiling as he takes the shots that will surely be a hit. What I did not expect was waking up at six in the morning and being so tired it became almost impossible for me to stand up, let a lone get dressed and then manage to grab a few shots before falling asleep on the 'green' outside out residential area. I also didn't realize I had gotten up a bit late, so there wasn't much to take pictures of. Boring, blank blue sky and a few power lines. Ah well. Here it is:
― Glen Cook, Sweet Silver Blues
I think there is a bird on the power line, but I fell asleep before I could find out and when I woke back up it had gone :(
SciAwkward, signing off.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Weirdo, Mosher, Freak
(Title will become clear later in the post!)
She was born in 1986 (making her just 26 at the time of her death), and was a future student at college for an English degree that she was to start after she finished her gap year. She, and her boyfriend Robert Maltby (21 years old and an art student) were both described as 'goths'.
Sophie was a bright and intelligent young girl with a great future ahead of her, but that was cruelly put to a stop in 2007, August 11th. She was walking around the local town with her boyfriend when they were spotted by a gang during the early hours of the morning. The gang started following the couple but nothing really happened, until one of the group attacked Robert for no reason. He was thrown to the floor, unconscious and then the gang proceeded to attack Sophie who was now trying to protect her boyfriend. The gang repeatedly stamped on her head, kicked her and punched her as she lay over Robert, desperately trying to save him. The group of what can only be described as thugs then told their friends they had done, and I quote, 'summat good. There's two moshers nearly dead at Backup Park - you wanna see them - they're a right mess'. The pair were taken to hospital, both in a deep coma. Maltby recovered, but with brain damage. Sophie's family, however, were told their daughter would never wake up and they had to agree to turn off her life support.
Sophie was killed for no reason. It really was just because of how she looked, sporting dredlocks and a band shirt. Some people argue it was her fault for dressing like that - giving the gang a reason to attack her. But how is that any different from attacking someone because of their skin colour? Who gives the right to somebody to attack somebody just because of how they look? Some good has come out of this now - it is now officially considered a 'hate' crime to attack somebody due to their involvement with sub-cultures. This means it is the same offence do attack a goth as it is to attack somebody based on their race, sexuality, religion, disability and so on. All 'alternative' people (I suppose I could fall into this category) hope that one day all hate against sub-cultures will be stamped out, and the recognition of hate crime is just a small step to getting this.
Now you also may be wondering about the title. Well, the 'Sophie Lancaster Foundation', a charity in the memory of Sophie, now sell many wristbands, jumpers, bags and shirts with those three words in an effort to show you can't describe someone as any of those things, because they are their own individual person. They also sell S.O.P.H.I.E bands, which stands for: Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred & Intolerance Everywhere
I'll leave you with this cute little animation clip. SciAwkward, signing off.
"We were proud to know our daughter. She was funny, kind, loving and brave. She was a beautiful girl with a social conscience and values which made her a joy to know. Not being able to see her blossom into her full potential or even to see her smile again is a tragedy beyond words."So, because of the whole photo challenge thing i haven't really posted anything else. But I'm going to write about something that really makes me not sad but angry. Really, really angry. And I guess disappointed, too; disappointed in the human race. (Yes in case you hadn't guessed this is going to be a little serious post hehe). Now, in 12 days, on August the 11th many 'alternative' people will be celebrating the memory of Sophie Lancaster. And yeah I know I could wait until then to write this post but I'm doing it tonight instead (oooh, rebel much?). So, who is Sophie Lancaster? some of you may ask. Well Sophie was a girl murdered simply because of how she looked. First, a tiny bit about Sophie:
She was born in 1986 (making her just 26 at the time of her death), and was a future student at college for an English degree that she was to start after she finished her gap year. She, and her boyfriend Robert Maltby (21 years old and an art student) were both described as 'goths'.
Sophie was a bright and intelligent young girl with a great future ahead of her, but that was cruelly put to a stop in 2007, August 11th. She was walking around the local town with her boyfriend when they were spotted by a gang during the early hours of the morning. The gang started following the couple but nothing really happened, until one of the group attacked Robert for no reason. He was thrown to the floor, unconscious and then the gang proceeded to attack Sophie who was now trying to protect her boyfriend. The gang repeatedly stamped on her head, kicked her and punched her as she lay over Robert, desperately trying to save him. The group of what can only be described as thugs then told their friends they had done, and I quote, 'summat good. There's two moshers nearly dead at Backup Park - you wanna see them - they're a right mess'. The pair were taken to hospital, both in a deep coma. Maltby recovered, but with brain damage. Sophie's family, however, were told their daughter would never wake up and they had to agree to turn off her life support.
Sophie was killed for no reason. It really was just because of how she looked, sporting dredlocks and a band shirt. Some people argue it was her fault for dressing like that - giving the gang a reason to attack her. But how is that any different from attacking someone because of their skin colour? Who gives the right to somebody to attack somebody just because of how they look? Some good has come out of this now - it is now officially considered a 'hate' crime to attack somebody due to their involvement with sub-cultures. This means it is the same offence do attack a goth as it is to attack somebody based on their race, sexuality, religion, disability and so on. All 'alternative' people (I suppose I could fall into this category) hope that one day all hate against sub-cultures will be stamped out, and the recognition of hate crime is just a small step to getting this.
Now you also may be wondering about the title. Well, the 'Sophie Lancaster Foundation', a charity in the memory of Sophie, now sell many wristbands, jumpers, bags and shirts with those three words in an effort to show you can't describe someone as any of those things, because they are their own individual person. They also sell S.O.P.H.I.E bands, which stands for: Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred & Intolerance Everywhere
I'll leave you with this cute little animation clip. SciAwkward, signing off.
Photo Challenge - Day 4
Day 4: Leaves.
Okay, I have a lot of leaves near my house. I'm not kidding - our garden is surrounded by trees. Trees of all different shapes and sizes and types. Even our driveway is made up of a long, thick blockade of trees with a small arch in the middle for the car to come in and out. I was a bit unsure as to what tree I should choose to take a picture of it's leaves, seeing as we have so many. So, I was wondering around the garden, barefooted, camera in hand, and I decided to take a picture of my very favorite tree in our garden. Now, it's not a magnificent plant by anyone's standards, but it's still my favorite. It's the sweet little (well, not exactly little) cherry tree, right next to the walnut tree, that fruits the most brilliant cherries every year. We're always fending off birds who swoop down, hopeful for a fruity meal, so when that happens we have the most peculiar looking tree with wind chimes and blank Cd's hanging off and swaying in the wind. But we haven't had any fruit this year. I'm hoping that it is just the weather that's either caused a late harvest or caused it to just not fruit this year, and nothing to do with the tree its self. Now, I won't bore you with any more about this insignificant tree, so here are some pictures of the leaves of the cherry tree and also some other random shots of my garden (I worn you, we have very over cast weather today with hardly any blue sky visible, so the pictures won't be all that great) . And yes, I know it's one picture a day...but...well, I'll post my 'official' day 4 picture and the rest are just randoms.:
I used my E11 for this, with a telephoto zoom lens, 14-42 lens and I tried with a macro lens. Also, at the end of these 30 days, I will create an extra page on this blog with just the pictures I have taken.
SciAwkward, signing off.
“So the tree rustles in the evening, when we stand uneasy before our own childish thoughts: Trees have long thoughts, long-breathing and restful, just as they have longer lives than ours. They are wiser than we are, as long as we do not listen to them. But when we have learned how to listen to trees, then the brevity and the quickness and the childlike hastiness of our thoughts achieve an incomparable joy. Whoever has learned how to listen to trees no longer wants to be a tree. He wants to be nothing except what he is. That is home. That is happiness.” - Hermann Hesse, Bäume. Betrachtungen und Gedichte
Okay, I have a lot of leaves near my house. I'm not kidding - our garden is surrounded by trees. Trees of all different shapes and sizes and types. Even our driveway is made up of a long, thick blockade of trees with a small arch in the middle for the car to come in and out. I was a bit unsure as to what tree I should choose to take a picture of it's leaves, seeing as we have so many. So, I was wondering around the garden, barefooted, camera in hand, and I decided to take a picture of my very favorite tree in our garden. Now, it's not a magnificent plant by anyone's standards, but it's still my favorite. It's the sweet little (well, not exactly little) cherry tree, right next to the walnut tree, that fruits the most brilliant cherries every year. We're always fending off birds who swoop down, hopeful for a fruity meal, so when that happens we have the most peculiar looking tree with wind chimes and blank Cd's hanging off and swaying in the wind. But we haven't had any fruit this year. I'm hoping that it is just the weather that's either caused a late harvest or caused it to just not fruit this year, and nothing to do with the tree its self. Now, I won't bore you with any more about this insignificant tree, so here are some pictures of the leaves of the cherry tree and also some other random shots of my garden (I worn you, we have very over cast weather today with hardly any blue sky visible, so the pictures won't be all that great) . And yes, I know it's one picture a day...but...well, I'll post my 'official' day 4 picture and the rest are just randoms.:
I used my E11 for this, with a telephoto zoom lens, 14-42 lens and I tried with a macro lens. Also, at the end of these 30 days, I will create an extra page on this blog with just the pictures I have taken.
SciAwkward, signing off.
cherry tree,
Dunmow, Essex CM6, UK
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Photo Challenge - Day 3
Day 3: Happiness
So I really wasn't sure what to do for this. I might sound like some kind of grumpy teenager full of angst when I say this, but not that much makes me all that happy. I mean there are things that I like but that isn't the same as doing something that makes you 'brim over with happiness'. In the end I had three things to chose from:
- Music ('Cause that's not a cliche or anything...)
- Reading (Meet Freya - the bookworm)
- Just simply hanging with my friends (oh boy, how boring and cliched my life is)
In the end I decided the later. Seeing as I didn't meet my friends today, I decided to pull out an old year 6 photo from our second and last primary school residential in Iron Bridge. These people were literally my very best friends through out primary. And yes, I'm the demented girl with curly hair who looks like she's stumbled down from the local pub after having a taste of some weed. :)
So I really wasn't sure what to do for this. I might sound like some kind of grumpy teenager full of angst when I say this, but not that much makes me all that happy. I mean there are things that I like but that isn't the same as doing something that makes you 'brim over with happiness'. In the end I had three things to chose from:
- Music ('Cause that's not a cliche or anything...)
- Reading (Meet Freya - the bookworm)
- Just simply hanging with my friends (oh boy, how boring and cliched my life is)
In the end I decided the later. Seeing as I didn't meet my friends today, I decided to pull out an old year 6 photo from our second and last primary school residential in Iron Bridge. These people were literally my very best friends through out primary. And yes, I'm the demented girl with curly hair who looks like she's stumbled down from the local pub after having a taste of some weed. :)
1 - Amy Dean
2- Emily Smith
3- Chloe Pinkny
4- Isabelle Benjamin
5- I think I already introduced my self.
2- Emily Smith
3- Chloe Pinkny
4- Isabelle Benjamin
5- I think I already introduced my self.
Have fun with the nightmares of my face! (I was like, 11/12.)
SciAwkward, signing off.
Monday, 29 July 2013
Photo Challenge - day 2
Day 2: Smile.
Help. Me? Smiling? Haha, I don't think so. It's not that I don't want to smile. It's really more of the fact my face seems to find it physically impossible. See, my eyes squint up so they look like snake slits or what ever, and one of my cheeks shoots up whilst the other one doesn't, and then my actual 'smile' looks like a grimace or the expression of a pervert. I do not joke. Now I really do apologize if anyone has nightmares after viewing this or that their screen cracks. Okay, I've warned you. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the freak show that is......SciAwkward's smile.
HAHAH GOT YOU! Yes, those are my retainers. No way in hell are you getting a picture of my horrible smile. To be honest, having braces was a waste 'cause I have really straight teeth now, but I can't smile. So, yeah. :) Mwuhahahahah.
Now I'll have to get ideas for tomorrow's theme.
SciAwkward, signing off.
Help. Me? Smiling? Haha, I don't think so. It's not that I don't want to smile. It's really more of the fact my face seems to find it physically impossible. See, my eyes squint up so they look like snake slits or what ever, and one of my cheeks shoots up whilst the other one doesn't, and then my actual 'smile' looks like a grimace or the expression of a pervert. I do not joke. Now I really do apologize if anyone has nightmares after viewing this or that their screen cracks. Okay, I've warned you. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the freak show that is......SciAwkward's smile.
HAHAH GOT YOU! Yes, those are my retainers. No way in hell are you getting a picture of my horrible smile. To be honest, having braces was a waste 'cause I have really straight teeth now, but I can't smile. So, yeah. :) Mwuhahahahah.
Now I'll have to get ideas for tomorrow's theme.
SciAwkward, signing off.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Photo Challenge!
So I am SERIOUSLY running out of blogging ideas. So, suggested by Kat, I'm going to do that whole instagram photo challenge, but for here instead :) So, for 30 days I'll be taking pictures of different things and posting them up here for you all to see :D
So, here is my list:
So, here is my list:
As you can see, number one is...favorite food! Now this was really, really hard for me. I love loads of different food hehehe! I finally came up with my all time fave food. Drum roll, please *dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum* LIDL WHIPPED CREAM! Not what you were expecting, huh? Well, I love this. It's really thick and creamy and sweet and is a lot better than popular brand ones (E.g Anchor - you English readers will know what I mean). So, without further ado, I introduce my lidl (Get it? Lidl? Little? Eh? Eh? Naw that was bad, I agree) can of whipped cream:
SciAwkward, signing off.
“If only she could be so oblivious again, to feel such love without knowing it, mistaking it for laughter. ” - The Book Theif
Hullo! If you saw my post about my friends, you'll know about my good friend kathryn (READ HER BLOG! Please? :) http://absolutelycluelessseriously.blogspot.co.uk/) if you didn't read it, no biggie. You can go and read it if you want, but hey, no pressure (in other words: get your butt over to that post right now people!)
So here is one of my favorite pictures of us. Ah, when we were young, eh? Hehe.
So here is one of my favorite pictures of us. Ah, when we were young, eh? Hehe.
This is SciAwkward, signing off.
Shabby Blogs
This is a very short post, BUT you all need to check out this site if you have your own blog! http://shabbyblogs.com/
They have beautiful 'scrapbook' like designs, buttons, page dividers, headers and loads more...all for free! I can't stop endlessly scrolling through the mass of backgrounds. You really must check them out!
I'll do an actual post later on today!
SciAwkward, signing off.
They have beautiful 'scrapbook' like designs, buttons, page dividers, headers and loads more...all for free! I can't stop endlessly scrolling through the mass of backgrounds. You really must check them out!
I'll do an actual post later on today!
SciAwkward, signing off.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
My friends
Okay, so I've been on my computer all day, doing random stuff whilst thinking about what to write about. And I came up with...nothing. Seriously. There is not one view, not one aspect of my life to write about. So pretty much all day I have been talking to friends, whether it's friends I know from real life, internet buddies, friends I go to school with or friends I've simply just known all my life. So, today, I will write about them. I pre warn you, this probably isn't going to be long. I don't have that many friends (Yup, I didn't choose the loner life, the loner life chose me) but all of them are close to me and they all bring fun and joy into my life (MAJOR CHEESE ALERT!) So, I will start off with the friend I have most probably known the longest. And, although I said probably, she really is. I've known her since I was 3 months old, and she's known me all her life (Yup, because I'm older!). So, without further ado, it's Kathryn.
Kat - We've always known each other. She is amazingly, yet worryingly, strange and unique, and I wouldn't want her any other way. She's funny, smart and (excluding music) we like pretty much the same things. I fondly remember the times my family and I have traveled up to Yorkshire or she and her family have traveled down to Essex, meaning we spent weeks together, laughing and giggling every night, running around the garden like hyper-active chipmunks (this is, of course, when we were younger. Hehe..) and scrambling along endless beaches, often in the rain, after our parents as we chattered away. Our parents are just the same - they seem to like exactly the same things, and this is how Kathryn and I met. I think the funniest moment we ever shared is when we found her dad's underpants in my mum's room. Ah, the scenario's we came up with! (Yes, even at a young age we had dirty minds). My life really wouldn't be the same without her, so thank chu Kathryn the llama dango (Nope, no idea.)
Julia - Although she won't read this, I have to include her. She was my very best friend in year 7 and 8 of secondary school. She was brilliant; Charming, funny and intelligent (well, most of the time) she really made those first few years of high school the best. Julia, being Polish, moved to her hometown in back in Poland at the end of year 8. Along with her she took all of our wonderful memories that me and the rest of our school group had. I actually can't imagine being at school without her for those years, and it's still hard to imagine her not being here now. We don't talk often, but I miss her dearly.
Abi - Although she moved to our school half way through year 8, and then into my form half way through year 9, we are great friends. We love the same kind of music. She has a very subtle sense of humor, and she's like the mum of my little school group - always the most sensible. She hasn't had it easy - her first school was shit, and her first form at out school were the biggest bunch of brats you've ever seen. I think my fondest memory will have to be when we went to the Kerrang! tour 2013 concert together in Brixton, London earlier this year. It was great! We are also seeing Paramore later this year.
Esme - Esme is a very, very quirky girl. She's so funny I can't even begin to explain it. She's pretty and, like all my friends (apart from me), very smart! Like me, she has a dirty mind and we giggle away and something whilst Abi hits us over the head with a book (Ah, imagining that Harry Potter scene with Snap now!). I also finally got her to like some good music! We are going to see Black Veil Brides in December. She is also obsessed with horses. Like, wow. I really love my iccle Esem. (yes, i said Esem)
Eleanor - My buddy from America! She came to our school early on in year 8. She's had a really tough life due to her mother (I won't go into that) but she's supper funny and nice. She's really kind and isn't afraid to speak her mind. We've become really close lately and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
Hayley - Hayley is so sweet and kind and caring. She's very sensible but funny. Like Esme, she has a HUGE obsession over horses. I remember when she wrote to a horse magazine but it started off as 'I have a problem...', we all burst out laughing telling her we already knew and she didn't have to announce it to England. She's very funny at lunch and is amazing and english. We like books. LOTS OF BOOKS.
Charlotte - She'd never forgive me if I didn't include her XD ! Charlotte is too weird for words. Like, really. She weirds her self out sometimes. We love talking about stupid things on the bus and discussing how we will murder those we hate (Yup, don't get on our bad side!) We are also going to kill a Mr Jordan Cootes at the start of term...>:) Love you Charlotte!
Wow, that was surprisingly long with the little amount of friends I have.
Hope it didn't bore you!
This is SciAwkward, signing off.
Kat - We've always known each other. She is amazingly, yet worryingly, strange and unique, and I wouldn't want her any other way. She's funny, smart and (excluding music) we like pretty much the same things. I fondly remember the times my family and I have traveled up to Yorkshire or she and her family have traveled down to Essex, meaning we spent weeks together, laughing and giggling every night, running around the garden like hyper-active chipmunks (this is, of course, when we were younger. Hehe..) and scrambling along endless beaches, often in the rain, after our parents as we chattered away. Our parents are just the same - they seem to like exactly the same things, and this is how Kathryn and I met. I think the funniest moment we ever shared is when we found her dad's underpants in my mum's room. Ah, the scenario's we came up with! (Yes, even at a young age we had dirty minds). My life really wouldn't be the same without her, so thank chu Kathryn the llama dango (Nope, no idea.)
Julia - Although she won't read this, I have to include her. She was my very best friend in year 7 and 8 of secondary school. She was brilliant; Charming, funny and intelligent (well, most of the time) she really made those first few years of high school the best. Julia, being Polish, moved to her hometown in back in Poland at the end of year 8. Along with her she took all of our wonderful memories that me and the rest of our school group had. I actually can't imagine being at school without her for those years, and it's still hard to imagine her not being here now. We don't talk often, but I miss her dearly.
Abi - Although she moved to our school half way through year 8, and then into my form half way through year 9, we are great friends. We love the same kind of music. She has a very subtle sense of humor, and she's like the mum of my little school group - always the most sensible. She hasn't had it easy - her first school was shit, and her first form at out school were the biggest bunch of brats you've ever seen. I think my fondest memory will have to be when we went to the Kerrang! tour 2013 concert together in Brixton, London earlier this year. It was great! We are also seeing Paramore later this year.
Esme - Esme is a very, very quirky girl. She's so funny I can't even begin to explain it. She's pretty and, like all my friends (apart from me), very smart! Like me, she has a dirty mind and we giggle away and something whilst Abi hits us over the head with a book (Ah, imagining that Harry Potter scene with Snap now!). I also finally got her to like some good music! We are going to see Black Veil Brides in December. She is also obsessed with horses. Like, wow. I really love my iccle Esem. (yes, i said Esem)
Eleanor - My buddy from America! She came to our school early on in year 8. She's had a really tough life due to her mother (I won't go into that) but she's supper funny and nice. She's really kind and isn't afraid to speak her mind. We've become really close lately and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
Hayley - Hayley is so sweet and kind and caring. She's very sensible but funny. Like Esme, she has a HUGE obsession over horses. I remember when she wrote to a horse magazine but it started off as 'I have a problem...', we all burst out laughing telling her we already knew and she didn't have to announce it to England. She's very funny at lunch and is amazing and english. We like books. LOTS OF BOOKS.
Charlotte - She'd never forgive me if I didn't include her XD ! Charlotte is too weird for words. Like, really. She weirds her self out sometimes. We love talking about stupid things on the bus and discussing how we will murder those we hate (Yup, don't get on our bad side!) We are also going to kill a Mr Jordan Cootes at the start of term...>:) Love you Charlotte!
Wow, that was surprisingly long with the little amount of friends I have.
Hope it didn't bore you!
This is SciAwkward, signing off.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Nasty Boys (prettyyyy sure it's a song title, anyway)
Good evening.
I am here tonight to talk about the horrible plague that is.....the male race. (No offence to male viewers, it is only evil, horrible boys that hurt my friends)
You see, you may have read my post about Charlotte (The Music Freak) getting a boyfriend.
This evil, scoundrel 'boy' (I have serious doubts on that) has now texted her using the excuse of exams for why they should be 'friends' (Hahahaha no. No chance in hell, bastard)
This is a warning to all boys.
Never, EVER, hurt a girl, because they're friend will hunt you down and kill you (I am not joking)
I am here tonight to talk about the horrible plague that is.....the male race. (No offence to male viewers, it is only evil, horrible boys that hurt my friends)
You see, you may have read my post about Charlotte (The Music Freak) getting a boyfriend.
This evil, scoundrel 'boy' (I have serious doubts on that) has now texted her using the excuse of exams for why they should be 'friends' (Hahahaha no. No chance in hell, bastard)
This is a warning to all boys.
Never, EVER, hurt a girl, because they're friend will hunt you down and kill you (I am not joking)
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
O Debora, always look like a zebora - T Rex
(If you are wondering about the title, it's lyrics from 'Debora', a song by T-Rex.)
So, I just got back from doing an art class (pastel chalk). I go there a few times, for example if you saw my Capture and Pencil post the wolf and tiger picture are also done at the same place.
I decided to do a zebra this time (hence the title, and yes zebra is meant to be spelled like that^), and surprisingly nobody else did. Other people did: A rooster, 2 kittens, a jaguar, lemurs, a black wolf and a family of Meerkat's.
Without further ado, here is the picture. And yes, it is meant to have blue and brown on it.
So, I just got back from doing an art class (pastel chalk). I go there a few times, for example if you saw my Capture and Pencil post the wolf and tiger picture are also done at the same place.
I decided to do a zebra this time (hence the title, and yes zebra is meant to be spelled like that^), and surprisingly nobody else did. Other people did: A rooster, 2 kittens, a jaguar, lemurs, a black wolf and a family of Meerkat's.
Without further ado, here is the picture. And yes, it is meant to have blue and brown on it.
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
*Throws up*
Well, I suppose I'd better get on with this. Congratulations and all that shizzle. Yup, Charlotte (My friend, blog is here if you wanna check it out: http://themusicfreak105.blogspot.co.uk/) is now in love *wretches* and has a boyfriend (Somebody pass me a bucket...). To be honest I don't care what they do, as long as it's away from me. :)
So, social protocol suggests I should wish them 'all the best blah de blah de blah' But seriously, the notion makes me sick (no offence, Charlie).
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
So, social protocol suggests I should wish them 'all the best blah de blah de blah' But seriously, the notion makes me sick (no offence, Charlie).
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Hello! Well, many of you, if not all, won't know that today is My Chemical Romance day. On the 23rd of July, MCR fans across the globe celebrate the band, their music and what they stand for. Wearing band shirts, drawing fan art or just listening to their favorite songs are just some of the ways in which we (Yup, I'm included in the 'killjoys') show our gratitude to the band.
Of course, My Chemical Romance are no longer a band, as they broke up on 25th March. So this year is even more important. Fans not only celebrate the songs, but also memories of the band and, if you will, the 'legacy' they left behind (of course, only the most hard-core fans would battle that argument).
You may be wondering why it's the 23rd of July that's be bookmarked as MCR day? Well, that's easy. In 2002, 23rd July, My Chemical Romance published their first album: I brought you bullets, you brought me your love.
To be perfectly honest, I don't need one special day to celebrate MCR. Every day is a fine day to celebrate them. ;) At the end of this post are 3 videos of my all time favorite songs. I can't tell you why, 'cause I don't know. It's just those type of songs that you listen to it once and that'sit; you fall in love with it and can't stop listening to it. So, enjoy!
In other news, a huuuge congratulations to William and Kate on their new son :) x
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Of course, My Chemical Romance are no longer a band, as they broke up on 25th March. So this year is even more important. Fans not only celebrate the songs, but also memories of the band and, if you will, the 'legacy' they left behind (of course, only the most hard-core fans would battle that argument).
You may be wondering why it's the 23rd of July that's be bookmarked as MCR day? Well, that's easy. In 2002, 23rd July, My Chemical Romance published their first album: I brought you bullets, you brought me your love.
To be perfectly honest, I don't need one special day to celebrate MCR. Every day is a fine day to celebrate them. ;) At the end of this post are 3 videos of my all time favorite songs. I can't tell you why, 'cause I don't know. It's just those type of songs that you listen to it once and that'sit; you fall in love with it and can't stop listening to it. So, enjoy!
In other news, a huuuge congratulations to William and Kate on their new son :) x
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Monday, 22 July 2013
I meet Dianne: Lecturer, nurse and parent-deifying Granny.
Hey everyone! So, I jut got back from an appointment with the new Asthma Nurse, Dianne, at our local surgery. She seemed perfectly nice enough until my Dad ratted me out about not taking my montelukast tablets. Okay, yeah, I know what you're thinking. But you need to take your medicine, you have it for a reason. You won't get better if you don't, or something along the lines of that. But seriously, those tablets do NOTHING. All I'm doing is pumping myself full of useless chemicals. In fact, my Asthma is worse when I'm on them - I'm not saying they make it worse, but when I have those tablets my seretide dose has to go down. So, therefor, I conclude they do nothing to help. Luckily for me, the Nurse agreed that if they don't do anything I shouldn't have them (after her lecture on medical importance, that is). My Dad started to say that, like all medicine, you can only really tell what effect they have on a patient after they have taken it for a while. Then Dianne, whom I now think of as some awesome, parent deifying granny, told him these tablets either work or they don't and he shouldn't force me to take them. I now have to take them regularly for a month, then a month without, to see if they help or not (which they DON'T). I also now have a dry-powder seretide inhaler. I want my old one! I soooo preferred the evohaler. Oh well, I'll see how I go on it.
I also don't have to take Laratadine (YUCK! I swear it's made of toxic waste) for hay-fever and can continue just using good old piriton instead. So, all in all, I suppose it wasn't too bad, although I still have a grudge against my dad for snitching on me ;)
In other news, I saw a girl who's face appeared to be melting because her foundation and eye makeup was running from the face. It reminded me of this scene from Indiana Jones:
So, this is SciAwkward, signing off.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Hello around the world!
Seeing as I have quite a few page views from around the world, I thought I'd say hello to you all in your spoken language (I hope!) I apologize if I get any of this wrong haha!
guten Tag!
Selemat Pagi!
This is SciAwkward signing off.
guten Tag!
Selemat Pagi!
This is SciAwkward signing off.
Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
This is a BIG thank you to all the people who have viewed my blog :) 98 views is pretty good for my blog, I'd like to hope! Thank you so, so much. And it's nice to have people from all over the world viewing it! I love you soooo much hehe! Have fun everyone, hope you have an awesome super great weekend!
SciAwkward, signing off.
SciAwkward, signing off.
Make up or make down?
Well, I am officially the only one in my group of friends to not bow to the social obligation of wearing makeup. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing wrong with makeup. Sometimes it can look amazing, and sometimes people just feel they need to wear makeup. I just don't personally want to wear it myself. I mean, I don't need to wear it to cover up spots or anything - I hardly get any at all, and if I do they are by my hairline. Plus, I'd be TERRIBLE at putting it on. For example, my friends would be able to pull this off no problem, and they look great in make up.
I, on the other hand, would try to create something like the picture above, but would end up having something like this:
I'm still pondering over weather or not to attempt wearing makeup. What are you thoughts? Feel free to comment :)
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public - Bryan White
So, before we broke up for summer, our school was already prepping us for leaving school. They're talking about university, money management and finding work. To be honest, I don't care. Okay that isn't entirely true - sure, I want a good job when I'm older, who doesn't? But I'm 14. Why should 14 (and some 13 year old's in my class) have all this worry about growing up thrown at them? We already have to do GCSE's a year earlier than former students. Even some of my friends in other parts of the UK don't start until next year. Surely they could talk about all this silly responsibility and stuff about the future when we're older? We have to stay in full-time education until we are 18, so it's not like we don't have enough time.
Seriously though, I'm not sure what I wanna do when I'm older. I've always wanted to be a paleontologist, but you have to be so darn smart. I'm not all that good in Science. I mean I'm okay in Chemistry but that's about it. Ah well, I'll find something, huh. so what about you guys? Do you think it's time to start worrying about the future, or adults should let children enjoy they're last few years of youth without worry about work?
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Seriously though, I'm not sure what I wanna do when I'm older. I've always wanted to be a paleontologist, but you have to be so darn smart. I'm not all that good in Science. I mean I'm okay in Chemistry but that's about it. Ah well, I'll find something, huh. so what about you guys? Do you think it's time to start worrying about the future, or adults should let children enjoy they're last few years of youth without worry about work?
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Friday, 19 July 2013
“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” - A Game Of Thrones
So, it's summer time! FINALLY. I made it through my first GCSE year (even though I'm still only in year 9). However, the only thing good about summer holidays for me is that I have no homework. I don't go out in the summer, I don't go on holiday, i don't do exciting things and I get bored every day. There is nothing to do near me, unless you like walking and sneezing from pollen. All my friends live too far away to meet up regularly - everything has to be planed down to the exact second. I can't just go into town and go to the park, again, it would need to be planned like a week before. And my parents would come with me. So, yeah. But after all that, summer holidays are still great. I don't know what it is - even if you are utterly bored, you still enjoy it. I don't know what it is - maybe the sense of freedom? Well, what do you guys plan on doing for summer? Going on holiday? Sunbathing poolside? Hanging with friends? What ever you are doing, I truly wish you an amazing, care free summer vacation! Have fun!

This is SciAwkward, signing out.

This is SciAwkward, signing out.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Well hai!
It's 9:30 PM, I'm sitting outside in my school uniform, reading through my blog, and I've just realized....I haven't told you anything about me that much! Well, where to start?
If you've read my little profile thingy on the side of my blog, you will know my name is Freya and that i'm 14. My earliest memory is being given a bite of my dad's magnum to try, and then grabbing the whole thing from him and eating it all. I'm English (Yeah...that was obvious), but I have family all over the world, mainly in America. I've always been a midget, however I'm nearing a more average size now. I'm around 5'3/5'4 feet tall. My favorite actress would have to be Amanda Tapping (Yup, she played Cap. Samantha Carter in stargate). Favorite actor? Hmm, tough one. I'd probably say Adam Sandler (I'm a sucka for comedy). Favorite super-hero would most probably be ... uh....I dunno! I love them all! (Me and my fan-girl friend have an obsession with the Avengers, Thor, and LOKI!!!!!). I love sprinting, although I have rather bad asthma which means I can't do it as much as I'd like too. I'm also allergic to all animals with fur & feathers, nuts, sesame seeds and I have exma. I have an obsession with narwhals and cheese. I used to have two cats, but I had to give them away due to my allergies, but I have a giant African land snail called speedy. My mum also breeds guinea pigs, she used to have 117 but has cut down to 20-something (THANK THE MOTHER SHIP! I'm allergic to them, too.). My favorite colour would be black/blue/red. I would love to have a turtle crossed with a duck, that would be sooooo cute. I'm not allowed to dye my hair fully, but I tip dye the ends black. I have completely freaked by needles, just like my brother (who is 17 years older than me. Yup. Big brother). I'm the loudest, craziest person around my friends but in class I'm quiet and sensible (yawn). I love gaming.
So, that's a bit about me! This is SciAwkward signing off.
If you've read my little profile thingy on the side of my blog, you will know my name is Freya and that i'm 14. My earliest memory is being given a bite of my dad's magnum to try, and then grabbing the whole thing from him and eating it all. I'm English (Yeah...that was obvious), but I have family all over the world, mainly in America. I've always been a midget, however I'm nearing a more average size now. I'm around 5'3/5'4 feet tall. My favorite actress would have to be Amanda Tapping (Yup, she played Cap. Samantha Carter in stargate). Favorite actor? Hmm, tough one. I'd probably say Adam Sandler (I'm a sucka for comedy). Favorite super-hero would most probably be ... uh....I dunno! I love them all! (Me and my fan-girl friend have an obsession with the Avengers, Thor, and LOKI!!!!!). I love sprinting, although I have rather bad asthma which means I can't do it as much as I'd like too. I'm also allergic to all animals with fur & feathers, nuts, sesame seeds and I have exma. I have an obsession with narwhals and cheese. I used to have two cats, but I had to give them away due to my allergies, but I have a giant African land snail called speedy. My mum also breeds guinea pigs, she used to have 117 but has cut down to 20-something (THANK THE MOTHER SHIP! I'm allergic to them, too.). My favorite colour would be black/blue/red. I would love to have a turtle crossed with a duck, that would be sooooo cute. I'm not allowed to dye my hair fully, but I tip dye the ends black. I have completely freaked by needles, just like my brother (who is 17 years older than me. Yup. Big brother). I'm the loudest, craziest person around my friends but in class I'm quiet and sensible (yawn). I love gaming.
So, that's a bit about me! This is SciAwkward signing off.
Lucy, I'm home!
Okay, first off, I know the title may be really really strange but it has a double meaning ;) I'M home because I couldn't blog yesterday as my laptop keeps throwing tantrums. I'm pretty sure it's having a midlife crisis. The second reason is because it's a quote that one of my favorite stargate characters. And, surprise surprise (or not...) this blog is just a general review on Stargate (Film and SG1 TV show). So, where did it all begin?
Well, this is of course the Stargtae film cover. The film follows archaeologist Daniel Jackson (played by Michael Shanks) as he discovers just how small the world really is. In Giza, Egypt, 1928, an amazing metal ring was found in an archaeological dig. The man in charge of the dig, a Dr Langford, has a young daughter, Catherine. Much later, a now-grown up Catherine seeks out Daniel Jackson, now failing and a mock of the historic community, to translate the symbols and hieroglyphs on the cover stones. Jackson agrees, however before he can finish the translation, Colonel Jack O'Neil (Special forces. But different actor than from the tv show), shows up an declares the program classified.
Jackson deduces from the hieroglyphs the existence of a "stargate", a device used to travel to distant worlds. He discovers that the accompanying non-hieroglyphic symbols are star constellations used in a three-dimensional coordinate system. When selected in sequence on the metal ring, they create a stable wormhole to a location in another galaxy. O'Neil leads a team with Jackson through the Stargate, and they find themselves inside a pyramid in the middle of a desert. The team cannot return home because the necessary coordinates are missing. Jackson, O'Neil, and the others explore the surrounding area and discover a mining operation run by humans. The miners assume that they are emissaries of their god Ra.Jackson attempts communication with the locals using pantomime, and later realizes that they speak a modern dialect derived from Ancient Egyptian. The soldiers develop a relationship with Skaara and his friends, and Jackson is given the chieftain Kasuf's daughter Sha'uri as a gift. He initially rebuffs her, unaware that she is meant to be his wife, but they develop a friendship that blossoms into romance. Jackson guesses that Sha'uri may know the location of the cartouche containing the return coordinates for the Stargate. Jackson learns that the Egyptian god Ra was an alien lifeform who came to Earth seeking a cure for his impending death. Ra discovered that he could maintain a simpler Human body indefinitely, and he "possessed" the body of a human youth, enslaved the youth's people and transported some of them to another planet to mine the mineral on which all of his technology is based. The enslaved Humans on Earth eventually rebelled and expelled Ra, and buried the Stargate. Jackson discovers six symbols of the return coordinates but the seventh symbol is missing.
At night, a pyramid shaped spacecraft descends over the pyramid. O'Neil and Jackson are captured and taken to Ra, who appears to be a human youth with glowing eyes. Ra reveals his intention to return to Earth an atomic bomb brought by O'Neil, its destructive power now enhanced 100-fold with the addition of the mined mineral. O'Neil tries to disarm the guards and kill Ra, but Jackson is killed and O'Neil and his team are imprisoned. Jackson is regenerated in a sarcophagus-like device and meets with Ra. Ra states that he will kill Jackson and everyone who has seen him unless Jackson kills the rest of the team to remind Kasuf's people that Ra is their true god.
Once Ra has the local people gathered before the pyramid, Skaara and his friends create a distraction while Jackson turns one of the guards' weapons on Ra. In the confusion, Jackson and O'Neil's team escape and take shelter in a cave with Skaara and the others. The next morning, Skaara draws a picture of the victory against Ra, and Jackson realizes that Skaara has drawn the seventh symbol needed to reactivate the Stargate.
O'Neil and Skaara's group attack and overpower the overseers of the mine and convince the people that their "gods" are human. With their help, O'Neil's team return to the Stargate to deactivate the bomb. Faced with open rebellion, Ra prepares his ship to leave and launches fighters to counter-attack. Sha'uri is killed in the battle, but Jackson takes her into the ship and resurrects her in Ra's sarcophagus device. Ra orders the augmented bomb be sent to Earth immediately. Ra's guard captain discovers O'Neil, and they fight. Jackson and Sha'uri are captured by Ra, but O'Neil overpowers the guard and activates a teleportation device. The beam decapitates the guard captain and sends the head to Ra, while retrieving Jackson and Sha'uri. As Ra's craft escapes the planet, O'Neil and Jackson teleport the bomb to Ra's ship. The bomb detonates, killing Ra and destroying the ship. Skaara's people celebrate their freedom and Jackson decides to remain on the planet with Sha'uri. O'Neil and his team return to Earth.
Now, I won't bore you with a description of the TV show. But the actors are better, there are sooo many amazing, fantastic adventures, new characters, better graphics, it's emotional, funny, scary and heart-crushing all at once. Any sci-fi fan HAS to watch this.
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Auf Wierdersehen.
Monday, 15 July 2013
I can show you the world
If there was one thing you could do when your older, not a
job but something for you, what would it be? For me, it would be
travelling. Okay, I know that sounds cheesy and probably many people say that,
but it’s true. The furthest I’ve ever been on holiday is Ireland. Never been on
a plane. Never been to an airport, come to think of it! I mean don’t get me
wrong, camping and stuff in Ireland or Norfolk or wherever is fun, but to be
able to go to other place, experience things I’ve never seen about – that’s
what I’d love to do. The first place I’d want to go would be New Zealand. I don’t
know why – I’ve just always wanted to go. It’s such a beautiful place, and…yeah.
I’ve always wanted to go there, so has my mum. We were even thinking of moving
there once, but we couldn’t because my Dad got ill. But after New Zealand, it
would have to be America. Yeah, yeah, I know like everyone wants to go,
but I honestly would! It’s always fascinated me. I want to go to the Grand
Canyon most of all. Can you imagine? My History teacher went in a helicopter
over it and said it was the most breath-taking thing ever. I would also like to
go to Japan! It’s just the most amazing place ever, anyone agree? My
friend, who has relatives in Japan, has been there several times and each
holiday I just wanna jump inside her suitcase! She’s said it was great,
although apparently they play music in the public toilet cubicle. I’d find that
strange! :D So where would you guys like
to travel to? Feel free to comment!
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Auf Wiedersehen.
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Auf Wiedersehen.
Screaming Jelly Babies
Well I’m back from school! Surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad.
Geography was alright. We had to have a class geography and general knowledge quiz.
It was funny, although one question was ‘What is Andy Murray’s last name?’
(That was a group made up of dumb, idiotic boys by the way). Drama was boring
though – I spent an hour hanging up costumes, carrying boxes on my head,
cleaning, suffocating under tonnes of material and all sorts. Art was okay; we
had to create an A3 size picture of a pattern from our chosen culture. Then
German (Nicht so gut) was a film lesson! We watched Ice Age 3 and gorged on
sweets. But during lunch, I had to go to a ‘learning leaders’ meeting. Being a
learning leader means creating lessons for our class and little primary school
children. Yaaaaaaay. Not! But Chemistry was THE best lesson – we did
experiments. First we put methane gas into washing up liquid and then set fire
to it. There was a massive burst of fire and we could even hold it in our hand.
Then we did a screaming jelly baby, where we heated a boiling tube up with some
kinda white powder, then set fire to a jelly baby in it. There was like a shot
of purple fire and it makes a really high pitched noise. However, school on a whole is a bore. Our teachers are horrible, and the kids scream and throw all kids of stuff around the room. Don't get me wrong, I want to get an education and blah blah blah, but I can't be bothered when we have students there less inelegant that chimps (I do not kid, one boy did not know what disturbed meant). So what are your thoughts on school? Is it a great gift for children or a waste of time and money? Feel free to comment ;)
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Check it out!
Okay yeah this is my third post today, but see I'm not really posting. I'm just giving out the link to my friends blog :) (different blog than before, okay?) So yeah check it out and all that shizzle. She's a brilliant writer, too, so why not check out her deviantart page whilst your at it? Okay now I sound like some strange commercial ad, huh? Heheheh! Anywho, here are the links:
Capture and Pencil
Okay so yeah, yeah, yeah I know I already posted today but I'm bored and I have nothing else today. I decided to post some of my art work/photography this time :) I know that it's pretty awful but hey ho! One is for my art course work, so you can tell why I fail at art. Ah well, here some of my stuff is:

I talk facebook
Okay so this morning I was scrolling through my facebook
news feed and I swear the amount of pointless status’s (that make to sense) and
obscene pictures is ridiculous. I mean, one girl posted a picture of
herself in the bath. THE BATH. Why do people do this? Yes, we know people wash
but do we need to see them doing that? I don’t think so. And nowadays all
status’s seem to consist of ‘I’m so addicted to you, I gave you my heart, but
you turned me down xx’ or ‘I really don't know no more:'(‘ I mean to be honest,
nobody cares. If they want sympathy, why not inbox their ‘friends’ (who often
backstab them and only hang out with each other to stay popular) and why can’t
people actually learn how to write? ‘know no more’ What. The. Hell. Okay so we
all know people like that don’t work hard in school, but you’d think they would
at least remember a bit of what is said. Ah well, what can you do, eh? So I
will now list my productive stunts of the day (even though it’s like 10 in the
morning) and what I plan to do.
- Scrolled the endless newsfeed of facebook
- Posted on Tumblr
- Read my friends blog (which you should check out: http://absolutelycluelessseriously.blogspot.co.uk- Sneaked up some Malteasers (Nommy!)
- Scrolled the endless newsfeed of facebook
- Posted on Tumblr
- Read my friends blog (which you should check out: http://absolutelycluelessseriously.blogspot.co.uk- Sneaked up some Malteasers (Nommy!)
What I will do:
- Go to Tesco’s and buy a number of fizzy drinks and sweets (for German class party )
- Eat (‘Cause I’ll be bored!)
- Continue reading The Titan’s Curse
- Watch TV :D
- Watch a number of pointless films
- Play Skyrim
- Go to Tesco’s and buy a number of fizzy drinks and sweets (for German class party )
- Eat (‘Cause I’ll be bored!)
- Continue reading The Titan’s Curse
- Watch TV :D
- Watch a number of pointless films
- Play Skyrim
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Auf Wiedersehen.
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