Monday, 23 September 2013

Damn, did someone say school? Ew.

Okay, how would you describe your school? Fun? Horrible? Makes-me-want-to-go-drown-myself? I don't have any way to describe my school, except using our motto.

Motto (noun):
A short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution.

That's what a motto is, then - it shows a place or person's belief, right?

Our school motto is Suffer and Serve.

I'm not kidding. 

So that is how I'd show my school. Apart from that, it's your average school. We have the stricter-then-slave-owners teachers, the think-they're-funny-but-they-really-need-to-stop teachers and the no-control-over-the-class teachers. We have the 'I-think-I'm-so-cool-but-actually-I'm-rather-ugly-and-like-to-backstab-and-put-my-hair-in-ridiculous-quiffs girls, the Oh-look-how-short-my-skirt-is-oops-I-just-broke-up-with-my-third-boyfriend-this-week girls and the oh-shit-shit-shit-that-person-is-looking-at-me-please-make-them-stop-please-don't-talk-to-me-I-can't-handle-socialness-do-I-have-something-on-my-face-oh-my-tardis-don't-come-any-closer-or-I'll-die girls (AKA me), and of course the classic social groups of nerds, popular's, "bad boys", and general outsiders. We also have the worst uniform ever. Like, woah. 

So it's like my, what, 3rd week back at school? Or is it my 4th? I can't remember, and already I'm counting down the days until half term. 

However, on Friday I'm going to the British History Museum *EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!* for an art trip, and then (this is where it gets good), I am going to a PARAMORE CONEEEEEERT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNGHU! And then, on Monday, it is a non-pupil day so I may as well have a four day weekend. 

Jelly or what? ;)

Oh yeah and I may or may not have got an A on my Drama monologue (the written one, not the performance) so IN CHUE FACES PEOPLE :)

In case you haven't noticed I am rather hyper due to the fact MY LAPTOP DIDN'T EXPLODE!

Anyway, I must be off, I have Torchwood episodes to watch!

SciAwkward signing off!

(P.S Jamie Oliver went to my school. So yeah.)

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