Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Ladies and Gentleman, she is ill. Again.

Hey, hey, hey!

So today I have been at home all day. I'm in my uniform (Couldn't be bothered to change out of it...hehe) but I woke up this morning with very shite asthma. Surprise, surprise, it resulted in a trip to the local doctors, where I was pumped full of steroids (I'M NOT A DRUGGY, I SWEAR!), antibiotics and a soooo attractive nebuliser (is that how you spell it? No idea). I ended up pretending to be Darth Vader, whilst the steam/smoke stuff floated upwards from the little - I say little, although it kept falling off my face and I had to hold it on - mask that was attached to my face, and the Porta-neb made strange whirring noises. I'm just praying to God (I'm not religious, but hey, gotta be open, right?) that I'm not sick for the Paramore concert of Friday. I swear, I am going to that even if I have to escape from the hospital in nothing more than one of those apron/dress things and a drip.  

On the plus side, I got one of those shmancy Willy Wonka bars (My Nan made the mistake of replacing the 'o' with an 'a'.Never shall I forget that.) which, to be honest, isn't as good as one of those Marvelous Creations bars you get - darn, now I'm hungry.

ALSO my people, I have a FIVE day weekend now - Friday art trip, Saturday, Sunday, Monday inset day and Tuesday is the teacher strike. Eeeeep!

Well, I have nothing much more to say. Tomorrow I shall probably steal Charlotte's (The_slimer) idea of a list of things to do before the year ends, MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

SciAwkward, signing off.

P.S Thanks to everyone who bothers to read my blog - you have no idea how happy in makes me to see people read what I write. I hope you are all having a great day ;)

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