Saturday, 28 September 2013

I'm not screaming anymore, well maybe I am...


Last night was seriously one of those times that I will always remember, up until the day I die. I swear, it was just so....well, I don't think there is a word in the English Dictionary to describe last night.

My day started out well - got up at 7:30, chucked on my clothes before getting a lift to school from my dad, and then sprinting into the art room. All the art students were squealing, dancing, being utter prats and laughing - and this was before nine am. Then, of course, my best friend Abi strolled in and we looked like wardrobe twins -we both had a paramore top on, checked un-buttoned shirt over the top, and DM boots. Embarrassing to say the least, but who cares! We finally boarded on our buses (I just happened to be next to someone covered in rabbit hair, so I sneezed most the time!) and we got off to London. We arrived at the British History Museum, and bounced in before grabbing our sketch books and pencils, then we walked to our chosen culture sections and did some sketching (One of mine looks like a deformed kebab.) Also, a load of sirens went off and security guards were running left right and center,blocking off the rooms and 'EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY!'blaring on their radio's. That . After like, two hours? (it went so fast, I swear!), we had our lunch in the education room, and then looked round the shop - I ended up buying an Athena Owl necklace, scarab beetle book mark and a mug for my friend to give to her Dad. How I got roped into the last one, I have no idea. After that we headed home, only to get stuck in awful traffic - we were meant to get back at around three. We got back at 4:45.

We all scrambled back to my friend, Abi,'s house and chucked some food down our necks before leaping into the hired van are started the long, long ride to London (For the second time that day). WE WERE ON OUR WAY TO SEE PARAMORE LIVE EEEEEEEEEEEK! We eventually got there, but there were massive hold-ups on the motorway, so we missed the supporting acts. We got into our seats, biting out finger nails and squealing, and then....the lights went off.

The paramore 'symbol', if you will, started to flash on the back of the stage. Rabid fans were screaming everywhere. Abi practically crushed me and we were all clinging onto the edge of our seats. Crying, shouting and 'WE LOVE YOU PARAMORE's were everywhere, the taste of stage-smoke in the air and the lighting up of phones like a sea of fairy lights. Then they started to sing. Never have I been in one place with so much energy - we were screaming, shouting the words at the top of our lungs, making pure and utter noise, jumping along, clapping, raising our fists in the air. Everyone was there for my reason - Paramore. It didn't matter if we were boy, girl, where we were from or how old we were. We all loved Paramore with all our hearts, and it was amazing. At one point, Hayley asked us all to forget our seats, and just dance. What ensued next was like nothing I've ever witnessed - thousands of screaming fans ditching their seats, running down the steps and dancing as hard as they could, for as long as they could, with as many people as they could, and making themselves look as idiotic as they could.  I loved it. By the end my throat was raw, like I'd swallowed sand-paper, and my voice was cracking on so many octaves I sounded like a pubescent boy. I was sweating, screaming, slapping my self on the face and just in general living. Whilst Abi and I were screaming our heads off like the morons we were, my friend Esme stood in the middle of us like she has been blessed by god, an awed look on her face and silence. I was worried she was gonna faint! When Paramore finished, we all ran outside, gasping for breath, holding onto each other and screaming 'WE WERE IN THE SAME ROOM AS THEM! OH MY GOD! WE JUST SAW PARAMORE! OH MY BLOODY GOD!!!!', buying tour shirts and running back to the car.

The whole night was incredible. I cannot even explain it. Wembley was huge. Filled with thousands of people all sharing a love for Paramore, people crying and screaming and

If you ever get to see a band in concert - any band, any venue - you have to go. It's one of those things that even if you do a billion times, you'd never get tired off. You don't need drugs when you go to concerts - I felt like I was on every happy pill in the world, and dear god I could live off that.

I'm still in shock. Honestly, I cannot believe I was there?!

So that's enough of my  mumbling, video's will be up once I download them off my phone so you can see what it was like.

A very shocked and elated SciAwkward, signing off.

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