Thursday, 25 July 2013

Nasty Boys (prettyyyy sure it's a song title, anyway)

Good evening.

I am here tonight to talk about the horrible plague that is.....the male race. (No offence to male viewers, it is only evil, horrible boys that hurt my friends)

You see, you may have read my post about Charlotte (The Music Freak) getting a boyfriend.

This evil, scoundrel 'boy' (I have serious doubts on that) has now texted her using the excuse of exams for why they should be 'friends' (Hahahaha no. No chance in hell, bastard)

This is a warning to all boys.

Never, EVER, hurt a girl, because they're friend will hunt you down and kill you (I am not joking)


  1. Hahaa that made me laugh, everyone has doubts about whether he is a boy or not!

    1. Slightly worried anyone new to my blog looking at it might be scared off hahaha! ;)

    2. Oh well, we're both weird :)

    3. Good little dumbling, you aren't under any faulse views of yourself. :)
