Saturday, 27 July 2013

My friends

Okay, so I've been on my computer all day, doing random stuff whilst thinking about what to write about. And I came up with...nothing. Seriously. There is not one view, not one aspect of my life to write about. So pretty much all day I have been talking to friends, whether it's friends I know from real life, internet buddies, friends I go to school with or friends I've simply just known all my life. So, today, I will write about them. I pre warn you, this probably isn't going to be long. I don't have that many friends (Yup, I didn't choose the loner life, the loner life chose me) but all of them are close to me and they all bring fun and joy into my life (MAJOR CHEESE ALERT!) So, I will start off with the friend I have most probably known the longest. And, although I said probably, she really is. I've known her since I was 3 months old, and she's known me all her life (Yup, because I'm older!). So, without further ado, it's Kathryn.
Kat - We've always known each other. She is amazingly, yet worryingly, strange and unique, and I wouldn't want her any other way. She's funny, smart and (excluding music) we like pretty much the same things. I fondly remember the times my family and I have traveled up to Yorkshire  or she and her family have traveled down to Essex, meaning we spent weeks together, laughing and giggling every night, running around the garden like hyper-active chipmunks (this is, of course, when we were younger. Hehe..) and scrambling along endless beaches, often in the rain, after our parents as we chattered away. Our parents are just the same - they seem to like exactly the same things, and this is how Kathryn and I met. I think the funniest moment we ever shared is when we found her dad's underpants in my mum's room. Ah, the scenario's we came up with! (Yes, even at a young age we had dirty minds). My life really wouldn't be the same without her, so thank chu Kathryn the llama dango (Nope, no idea.)
Julia - Although she won't read this, I have to include her. She was my very best friend in year 7 and 8 of secondary school. She was brilliant; Charming, funny and intelligent (well, most of the time) she really made those first few years of high school the best. Julia, being Polish, moved to her hometown in back in Poland at the end of year 8. Along with her she took all of our wonderful memories that me and the rest of our school group had. I actually can't imagine being at school without her for those years, and it's still hard to imagine her not being here now. We don't talk often, but I miss her dearly. 
Abi -  Although she moved to our school half way through year 8, and then into my form half way through year 9, we are great friends. We love the same kind of music. She has a very subtle sense of humor, and she's like the mum of my little school group - always the most sensible. She hasn't had it easy - her first school was shit, and her first form at out school were the biggest bunch of brats you've ever seen. I think my fondest memory will have to be when we went to the Kerrang! tour 2013 concert together in Brixton, London earlier this year. It was great! We are also seeing Paramore later this year. 
Esme - Esme is a very, very quirky girl. She's so funny I can't even begin to explain it. She's pretty and, like all my friends (apart from me), very smart! Like me, she has a dirty mind and we giggle away and something whilst Abi hits us over the head with a book (Ah, imagining that Harry Potter scene with Snap now!). I also finally got her to like some good music! We are going to see Black Veil Brides in December. She is also obsessed with horses. Like, wow. I really love my iccle Esem. (yes, i said Esem)
Eleanor - My buddy from America! She came to our school early on in year 8. She's had a really tough life due to her mother (I won't go into that) but she's supper funny and nice. She's really kind and isn't afraid to speak her mind. We've become really close lately and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
Hayley - Hayley is so sweet and kind and caring. She's very sensible but funny. Like Esme, she has a HUGE obsession over horses. I remember when she wrote to a horse magazine but it started off as 'I have a problem...', we all burst out laughing telling her we already knew and she didn't have to announce it to England. She's very funny at lunch and is amazing and english. We like books. LOTS OF BOOKS. 
Charlotte - She'd never forgive me if I didn't include her XD ! Charlotte is too weird for words. Like, really. She weirds her self out sometimes. We love talking about stupid things on the bus and discussing how we will murder those we hate (Yup, don't get on our bad side!) We are also going to kill a Mr Jordan Cootes at the start of term...>:) Love you Charlotte!

Wow, that was surprisingly long with the little amount of friends I have.

Hope it didn't bore you!

This is SciAwkward, signing off.

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