Saturday, 13 July 2013

Productive me

So, this is my blog. Don’t expect it to be some hard-hitting look into a socially awkward teen’s life, ‘cause it won’t be. That is, of course, unless you find boring summer-holiday nothingness and horrible school situations interesting. Which I doubt. So yeah this summer holiday we are meant to be doing something ‘productive’ instead of sitting around in pyjamas and watching TV or whatever. But to be honest, what’s wrong with that? I like sitting around in P-J’s, going on Tumblr, playing Skyrim and protecting myself from the horrible thing that is *dramatic music*…hay fever. But no, social laws dictate I be an interactive teenage girl, living life as one should through their youthful days. Pffffft. So although my summer holidays haven’t actually started yet (I know, like seriously? A WHOLE WEEK OF SCHOOL LEFT?) I decided I’d do this anyway. I have little homework, nothing interesting to do (I live in the middle of nowhere. The view outside my window? Fields. The view from the kitchen? Fields. View from the bathroom? Fields. You get the idea.) and my TV isn’t working, so I decided to get a head start on this stuff. Although, I doubt having a blog is productive. But it’s something, right?
So, what have I done today? Well let’s see, shall we?
- Woke up (That counts, right?)
- Scrolled the useless social networking wasteland that is my facebook news feed for many hours.
- Started watching Black Butler, season 2.
- Played a bit on Skyrim.
- Deleted my Sims 3 games (painful)
- Attempted to make an omelette (really didn’t work)
- Watched Stargate, SG1, re-runs.
- Talked to friends (well, at least I think they are…now I sound really lonely, huh?) on facebook.
- Created this blog.
So, as you can tell this isn’t going to be the blog of some popular girl, flying through her school-life, writing tales of encounters with the opposite sex. This is going to be the blog of a shy, awkward girl, struggle through school and finding joy in watching sci-fi or reaching a new level in a game.
Well, I should have some interesting news next week. Lessons will be: watching films, throwing parties, annoying all those people I hate. And then the freedom begins! Six weeks of pure….boredom. Yup, not fun. Well, maybe. We shall have to see.
So, this is SciAwkward signing off.
Auf Wiedersehen.

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